Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pilates for Legs and Butt

Targets: Mostly the outer thighs and glutes, as well as your abs (for support). 
This workout is gentle on your joints and can be done by almost anyone.

*Once you go through the whole routine, switch legs.*

Lay on your side with your hips stacked. Both legs straight. Hover your top leg at hip height 
(this is your starting position for all exercises). 
Point foot and toss leg up. Flex foot and lower. 
Repeat 15x

From starting position, flex foot and kick in front of you. Bend the knee and pull your foot to your knee as you point. Extend the leg back. Sweep leg through starting position. 
Repeat 10x
Then reverse, beginning with the kick back. 
Repeat 10x

From starting position, point and turn out your feet. Bend the knee and pull in your foot, knee turned out. 
Straighten the leg and lower. 
Repeat 10x
Then reverse, starting with the kick up. 
Repeat 10x

Hover your leg in starting position and make little circles with your legs. 
15x each direction

Bend both legs to a 90 degree angle to your body. Turn in your top leg and try to touch your knee to the floor. Extend and straighten your leg up and behind you. 
Repeat 10x
Hold leg up in back. Flex foot and pulse leg up. 
Repeat 15x

Turn top leg in and try to touch your knee to the floor. Open the knee up and touch your toes behind your other foot. 
Repeat 15x

Kick your leg in front of you. Bring leg up and point to the ceiling. Lower slightly behind you. Sweep leg to the front again. Like you are drawing a big circle with your leg. 
Repeat 10X
Then reverse, starting with the leg back. 
Repeat 10X

Cross leg over and stretchhh

Now do the other leg!

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