Saturday, November 2, 2013

Britney Spears (Year 2000) workout

90 minutes/4x a week

Warm up: 10 minutes on cardiovascular machine (treadmill, stationary bike, etc) at a medium pace.
Abs: 50 crunches, 50 bicycle twists, 50 hip raises
Strength Circuit: Use weights to work on arms, chest, back, and lower body. Bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and fly exercises and presses.
Abs: 50 crunches, 50 bicycle twists, 50 hip raises
Strength Circuit: Use weights to work on arms, chest, back, and lower body. Bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and fly exercises and presses.
Abs: 50 crunches, 50 bicycle twists, 50 hip raises
Strength Circuit: Use weights to work on arms, chest, back, and lower body. Bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and fly exercises and presses.
Abs: 50 crunches, 50 bicycle twists, 50 hip raises
Back to Cardio & Abs: 30 minutes of jogging on treadmill or elliptical machine
Abs: 150 crunches, 150 bicycle twists, 150 hip raises (Do each 3 times)
Yup that’s a total of 1950 ab exercises…how else do you think Britney looked so hot?!?!?!
Last but not least…STRETCH! And maybe take a yoga or pilates class on one of your off days.

Bikini Blasters 1-7

Lower Ab Attack

The Flat Belly Workout

Arms On Fire

Kill That Muffin Top

Thigh-Slimming Secrets

You might want to zoom in to read, sorry!

Sexy Leg Workout

Butt Builder: StairMaster Routine

The 100 Workout

Simply Slimming Circuit

You need:
     A bench or box

POP Pilates: Best Lower Ab Workout EVER

Grab two paper plates.


POP Pilates: Butt Lift & Slim Thighs (Beach Series)

Pop Pilates: Cinch That Waist Workout

Inner Thigh Workout Videos

Pop Pilates: Inner Thigh Intensity:

Drive By Inner Thighs Challenge:

Inner Thigh Clarity Challenge:

Denise Austin: 5 minute Inner-Thigh Workout

Beginner Inner Thighs

Pop Pilates: Inner Thigh Gap


Fabulous Flat Abs

Thigh Gap Workout (Short)

Level: Moderate

30 Squats
30 Lunges
30 Leg Lifts (on both sides)
30 Calf Raises
30 Scissor Kicks
10 min Run

Pop Pilates: Corset Workout

YouTube Link:

Pilates for Legs and Butt

Targets: Mostly the outer thighs and glutes, as well as your abs (for support). 
This workout is gentle on your joints and can be done by almost anyone.

*Once you go through the whole routine, switch legs.*

Lay on your side with your hips stacked. Both legs straight. Hover your top leg at hip height 
(this is your starting position for all exercises). 
Point foot and toss leg up. Flex foot and lower. 
Repeat 15x

From starting position, flex foot and kick in front of you. Bend the knee and pull your foot to your knee as you point. Extend the leg back. Sweep leg through starting position. 
Repeat 10x
Then reverse, beginning with the kick back. 
Repeat 10x

From starting position, point and turn out your feet. Bend the knee and pull in your foot, knee turned out. 
Straighten the leg and lower. 
Repeat 10x
Then reverse, starting with the kick up. 
Repeat 10x

Hover your leg in starting position and make little circles with your legs. 
15x each direction

Bend both legs to a 90 degree angle to your body. Turn in your top leg and try to touch your knee to the floor. Extend and straighten your leg up and behind you. 
Repeat 10x
Hold leg up in back. Flex foot and pulse leg up. 
Repeat 15x

Turn top leg in and try to touch your knee to the floor. Open the knee up and touch your toes behind your other foot. 
Repeat 15x

Kick your leg in front of you. Bring leg up and point to the ceiling. Lower slightly behind you. Sweep leg to the front again. Like you are drawing a big circle with your leg. 
Repeat 10X
Then reverse, starting with the leg back. 
Repeat 10X

Cross leg over and stretchhh

Now do the other leg!

Booty Burner

Burn up and perk up that booty with this workout!

Back Lunges, switching legs 
Repeat 20x

Reverse Lunge into Donkey Kick
Repeat 15x on each leg
Begin with back lunge. Drop back knee to floor and take front leg through into a back donkey kick.
Return leg to the front and return to lunge position. Stand up and pick up the back leg, knee to chest. 
Dead lifts
Repeat 15x on each leg

Single Leg Butt Bridge
Repeat 15x on each leg

Donkey Kicks, straight leg
Repeat 20x on each leg

Tighten That Booty

35 Butt bridge lifts

20 Cross back lunges with knee lift, alternating legs

30 Back lunges OR 20 Split jump lunges

20 Side lunges with rotation, alternating sides

15 Modified side plank leg lifts, each side

Fit Fab Abs

30 sec Plank
60 sec Reverse Crunches
45 sec Up-Down Plank
60 sec Leg Lifts
30 sec Side Plank (Right)
45 sec Russian Twists
30 sec Side Plank (Left)

Lean Legs Pyramid

20 Squats
30 Lunges
40 Toe Touches
50 sec Wall Sit
100 Jumping Jacks
50 sec Wall Sit
40 Toe Touches
30 Lunges
20 Squats

I Love My Arms

10 Push-ups
20 Dips
30 Bicep Curls
40 sec Plank
50 Knee Tucks 
(Plank position, alternating knees to chest)
40 sec Plank
30 Bicep Curls
20 Dips
10 Push-ups

30 Day Crunch Challenge

Day 1: 20 crunched
Day 2: 25 crunches
Day 3: 30 crunches
Day 4: rest
Day 5: 40 crunches
Day 6: 45 crunches
Day 7: 50 crunches
Day 8: rest
Day 9: 60 crunches
Day 10: 65 crunches
Day 11: 70 crunches 
Day 12: rest
Day 13: 80 crunches
Day 14: 85 crunches
Day 15: 90 crunches
Day 16: rest
Day 17: 100 crunches
Day 18: 105 crunches
Day 19: 110 crunches
Day 20: rest
Day 21: 120 crunches
Day 22: 125 crunches
Day 23: 130 crunches
Day 24: rest
Day 25: 140 crunches
Day 26: 145 crunches 
Day 27: 150 crunches
Day 28: rest
Day 29: 160 crunches
Day 30: 165 crunches
Day 31: 170 crunches

Butts and Guts

10 reverse lunges (10 on each leg)
10 flying lunges 
20 pulse squats
10 jump squats
10 plies
10 pliƩ jumps
20 glute bridges
20 glute bridge pulses
45 sec plank
20 bicycle crunches
30 sec side planks (both side)
15 leg lifts
15 hips up reverse crunches
10 leg lifts and hips up combo

Count Up-Count Down

10 squats
20 tricep dips
30 butt kickers
40 jumping jacks 
50 crunches
40 high knees
30 bird dogs
20 sec plank
10 pushups